Words of Praise
"If it came down simply to her successful writing career and foundational work in the field of ghost research, I would find plenty of reasons to admire my friend Nicole Strickland. She is an exceptional person whose drive, laser-focused energy and gift of gliding prose justify her booming popularity. But there is another trait Nicole possesses, which sets her apart from the crowd of paranormal investigators and that is her passionate affinity for places and people whose stories echo history across time and oceans.
Just absorb her works on the legendary RMS Queen Mary and you will come as close to time travel as you are likely to experience. The Haunted Queen of the Seas; The Spirited Queen Mary: Her Haunted Legend and RMS Queen Mary: Voices From Her Voyages all create a smartly readable look at seafaring opulence during peacetime and an urgent re-purposing of a world-class luxury ship during the Second World War.
Meticulously researched and studded with narratives that read like love letters to a legend in repose, Strickland's works allow the departed souls of the ship's crew, guests and military personnel take readers page by page on a brisk cruise through the various eras of the Queen Mary as "a prodigy of the seas," to borrow the author's phrase for a vessel still shimmering today in retirement at California's Long Beach Harbor. The big boat endures as elegantly as ever but apparently is stacked from hull to upper decks with an eerie historical residue told in captured whispers by a host of restive voices. In their mirth and mourning, anger and angst, these highly distinct spirits noisily persist in a safe harbor, united in devotion to a glorious past."
Gary Mantz and Suzanne MitchellMantz and Mitchell Show 
"Nicole Strickland gave a presentation to Casa de las Campanas on October 1, 2019. It was well attended and the audience was very interested in the subject. One resident complimented Nicole on the thoughtful way she discussed paranormal events. At dinner that evening, her talk was the main topic of conversation. There were many complimentary comments and the program was enjoyed by all. I highly recommend Nicole's presentation."
Peg MarshallCasa de Las Campanas Program Director 
"As History Ambassador for the San Diego History Center, I am always on the look-out for experts in their field who can provide another means to learn about the past. Paranormal investigation, and delving into Spiritualism, is always a hot button item for the public, especially as San Diego claims to possess America’s most haunted house. This claim is part of the folklore of the region, and storytelling is the most compelling way we can engage with myths, legends, and tall tales - the essence of folklore.
Nicole Strickland has been the paranormal researcher and storyteller of choice for my guests over the years as she understands the genre deeply, and shares key clues, identifies strategies, and demonstrates equipment used in the investigation process that is engaging, thought-provoking, and an intelligent way to approach what might otherwise be a skeptical subject for some people. She puts the science of paranormal investigation in the hands of the participants so they are actively immersed in the experience to whatever degree they feel comfortable.
Nicole is a passionate paranormal researcher and author, the founder of the San Diego Paranormal Research Society, and is sought out nationally to serve on panels, radio shows, and television interviews in regards to this topic. As she is so thorough in her approach to every investigation or request for understanding of the paranormal phenomenon, Nicole imparts assurance and instills confidence in her clients and participants in your audiences.
She also shows empathy to the energies and spirit forces that she might come across in her experiences. She realizes the gift that she has been given to serve as a connection between two worlds, and doesn’t take that honor lightly. As a result, she will tell you directly that she is not a ghost hunter. Though she doesn’t deny that there are many avenues to pursue when connecting with the spirit world, her approach is one expressing understanding, a willingness to listen, and to offer assurance to those who are unable to fully cross-over. These are the characteristics that make Nicole highly sought after and what makes her such a vital resource in the paranormal community today."
Gabe SelakSan Diego History Center Historical Ambassador 
"My paranormal club and I had the great privilege of hosting Ms. Strickland at an event at Sweetwater High School. To put it lightly, she was the highlight of the year for the paranormal club! The members were captivated by her presentation. Unlike the rather dry presentations sometimes delivered by my colleagues and myself, her lecture was energetic and informative. She drew upon what the students already knew from television, but added a much needed dose of science, and application of theory. If she is ever available to speak at your site, don't hesitate! BOOK HER ASAP! I know I'd love to have her back."
Eric EsperonEducator 
"Nicole did a wonderful program for the Julian Branch Library about paranormal research. She is an engaging speaker, presenting attendees with detailed evidence collected in the form of EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) and photographs. Her passion for her research is clear as she takes her role as a researcher seriously; she wishes to share her findings with as many people as possible. Nicole welcomes questions, taking the extra time to stay and talk with patrons after the program."
Crystal KilpatrickLibrarian 
"Nicole brings her serene energy to investigations and it is absolutely a pleasure to work with her. She has a reverence and respect for the spirits. She is respectful and considerate, not only to the spirits, but to the people she is with. Nicole has captured some phenomenal EVP, many of which have been caught while on board the Queen Mary, her favorite haunt. She has educated herself on the history and happenings on the Queen of the Seas, and we have enjoyed several evenings with her on this wondrous ship, as well as investigations in Southern California. We’ve shared experiences on a personal level, regarding the death of a cherished family member. Just recently, Nicole had a significant experience and when she told us about it, imagine our amazement in that it completely coincided with a personal experience that we both (Dawn and Sharon) had shared together. It was enlightening and comforting. Nicole is humble about her intuitive experiences, and we look forward to further investigations and shared encounters in the future with her."
Dawn Gaudette and Sharon HieserichPsychic Mediums and Paranormal Investigators
"Nicole Strickland is a well respected member of the paranormal community who tirelessly researches claims of alleged ghosts and hauntings. Her passion for the field is what separates her from the rest of the pack. The plethora of knowledge she possesses regarding the history and hauntings of the RMS Queen Mary is not only astounding, but quite admirable. Nicole is the ‘go-to’ source for information about The Grey Ghost (nickname used for the Queen Mary during World War II)."
Joey TitoAmerican Spectral Association Co-Founder 
"Nicole is my 'go-to gal' for Queen Mary history and ghostly activity. Her approach is both professional and informative. Having worked with Nicole several times in the past, she has never disappointed nor displayed anything but pure heart, experience and professionalism. I highly recommend reading her work and booking her for your next radio interview or conference! One of the best in the field and truly one of the community's sweethearts!"
Todd BatesWLTK-db Owner 
"Nicole Strickland is not merely a ghost hunter. This is not a person that you’ll find searching for random bumps in the night, but a true researcher of the unknown, the paranormal and the unexplained. Not content to sit back and simply read about the work done by others, Nicole is out actively investigating the mysteries that still exist when it comes to ghost and hauntings. There are few who can match her passion and drive for answers about the supernatural and I consider her one of the most dedicated researchers in the field."
Troy TaylorAmerican Hauntings Founder 