Author | Researcher | Speaker | Producer | Award-Winning Radio Host
Nicole Strickland
Hello! Welcome to the official website of Nicole Strickland, one of the leading paranormal researchers on the West Coast. Nicole is the founder/director of the well-respected San Diego Paranormal Research Society and has been featured in numerous media outlets. In addition to her speaking and writing projects, she co-hosts the long-running Haunted Voices Radio with Todd Bates and also hosts the Afterlife Chronicles, which was recently selected by Feedspot as one of the top programs on the afterlife.

Presentation Topics
This presentation highlights the undying connection between mortality and the afterlife, showcasing the beautiful interconnection between both worlds through the pureness of experiences. In addition to discussion about near-death experiences, grief and loss, spirit communication, spirit guides, and the role of innate intuition, this captivating presentation will share life-changing experiences people have had with the spirit realm.
This presentation is all about animals and the afterlife. It will discuss why animals are highly intuitive and the ways they come to us in spirit form. Nicole will share some profound spirit encounters she’s had with her beloved cats, Max and Kayli. She’ll talk about the times she’s visited with them in astral form.
This presentation discusses how the entertainment and media industries positively and negatively influence paranormal research and people’s perceptions of and reactions to supernatural phenomena. In regard to negative influences, some individuals develop an unnatural fear of ghosts and spirits and/or a skewed idea of what paranormal activity entails. Thus, it will highlight various ways to break through the barriers of this problem ultimately leading to a healthy respect for and proper understanding of the ethereal realms.
The iconic RMS Titanic slipped through the icy waters of the North Atlantic and met her fate in the early morning hours of April 15th, 1912. Ever since, she’s become a permanent influencer and fixture in society and in people’s hearts from around the world. This presentation will not only highlight the White-Star liner’s historical tapestry and timeline but will also explore the many reasons as to why she’s so posthumously famous. The Titanic was – and is – an incredible ocean liner that continues to speak to us from her resting spot, some 12,500 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic. Let’s explore what she’s telling us.
This class explores both Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development and how a child might perceive and be affected by the paranormal at each phase. This course also offers advice for mentoring a child with psychic abilities and explains the origins and traits of crystal, rainbow, indigo and blue-ray children.
This course explores the classifications of and theories for various ghosts and spirits, such as earthbound entities vs. spirits, classic shadow people, crisis apparitions, types of elemental energies, angels, poltergeists / PK (psychokinesis), animal spirits, vortexes, orbs (the great orb debate), celestial entities, waking dreams, etc.; how to survive a haunting and classic cases of hauntings from around the world.
Nicole has been researching the RMS Queen Mary since 2005. She has presented about the ship’s history and paranormal phenomena at numerous conferences and libraries as well as on television, radio and in print. This presentation gives a detailed overview of the liner’s remarkable history and thoroughly discusses its resident spiritual energies and theories for its hauntings. Collected paranormal data in the form of audio, video, and photography from various ship locations will be showcased.
In this lecture, the team addresses the history of Spiritualism, including the key individuals involved with the movement, such as the Fox Sisters, Houdini and several researchers who either supported or tried to debunk alleged psychic mediums. Also discussed is how the movement influenced the field of paranormal research; further highlighted are the various ways those attempted to communicate with the spirit realm.
This presentation discusses the origins of tulpas or “manifestations” and “emanations.” It is theorized that persistent thoughts about something can generate thought-provoked life forms. Thus, are some known hauntings and/or spiritual entities the byproduct of our own imaginations and psychokinetic creations? Quite possibly, yes. For example, are some alleged negative and/or malevolent paranormal cases caused by human thought projections and tulpas? This question and more are examined in this presentation as well as how tulpas can implicate the field of paranormal research.
This presentation discusses the history and paranormal claims of various historical landmarks in San Diego, California. The San Diego Paranormal Research Society has conducted paranormal investigations at many of the sites mentioned and its highlights / paranormal collected data from its case files are discussed in depth. Nicole also wrote a book titled, San Diego’s Most Haunted.
This presentation goes over important aspects of paranormal research, including proper protocol and standard operating procedures; it serves as a motivator for anyone interested in learning more about paranormal research and investigating the unknown; investigation methodologies are discussed including types of equipment used in the process; samples of paranormal evidence are highlighted, including audio, photo, video and environmental monitoring. Note: Nicole offers a “course” version of this presentation. See classes for more information.
This presentation builds off of “An Introduction to Paranormal Research and Investigation.” Designed for those veteran paranormal investigators in mind, Nicole discusses advanced methodology uses, evidence review, research methods and equipment usage. Note: Nicole offers a “class” version of this presentation. See classes for more information.
In this presentation, Nicole discusses ways to properly document paranormal data (environmental monitoring data, audio, video, and photographs) and experiences (personal experiences and/or intuitive impressions) and what should be included in a paranormal research case report. Also discussed are ideas for creating document templates for data and why it’s important to be descriptive in taking notes during a paranormal investigation.
Nicole and other SDPRS members share the steps and procedures utilized for co-developing the San Diego Paranormal Research Society. Topics include: Standard Operating Procedures/Protocols, team mission statement, relevant forms, administration function, team members, conducting team meetings, case management, investigation permission, investigation principles, team website, etc. This course is a must for those who want to establish and run their own paranormal team.
This presentation explores various trends in the field of paranormal research and investigation and their effects on the field at large. Discussed trends include technological advances / metaphysical instruments and their implications; spirit resolution vs. “para-tainment”; getting rid of “ego” and educational development.
Everyone has his or her own innate intuition. Some people are more tapped into it than others. It’s similar to practicing a sport – the more you work at it, the greater your skills will be. This presentation talks about the role of intuition, common misconceptions, how it works in our daily lives, and the role it plays in connecting with the spirit world. Note: Nicole offers a “class” version of this lecture. See classes for more information.